Releasing First Song

After months of recording and waiting for the release date it is finally here!

So much time has past since I first started this song writing adventure. Now I am up to my ears in learning new systems to get my music out to the public. I am often frustrated by the difficulty of some of the advertising pages being suggested. I spend hours just trying to find some of the tools they say you need. Also, the amount of money per month one can spend on this endeavor is astounding. Nevertheless, I have prevailed.

My first release Country Hot is suppose to be distributed on April 1, 2021 or April Fools Day. I am hoping that is not an omen! It has been celebrated for centuries in several cultures. But the exact origins of the day is still unknown. Whatever the history may be for this prankster day, my song is being released on that day. It is the first in a series of one per month for about 8 months. I am hoping that is the day of release and no one shouts “April Fools.”

I am back in the studio recording three more songs. The first ‘The Ghost of Tombstone” has an Americana theme. My producer Chad Quist is a progressive rock musician and I think he is wondering why the heck I would write a song like that. A lot of my listeners are older adults who still remember artists like Marty Robbins, this song is for them. The second song was a prayer I wrote when frustrated with the things happening in our government and the world during Covid 19. called ” God are You Listening.” The last song is about what it feels like being an older singer in a room filled with younger country dancers and a call out to other singer/songwriters. It is called, “Move Over Girls.”

I hope you will go to your favorite platform and listen to the first song “Country Hot”. It as co-written with Chad Quist. Until we meet again, have fun and enjoy life. Sometimes, it is not as long as we would like it to be.

PREVIEW OF Country Hot

We are valuable and loveable.

This is a preview of Country Hot. The site you see is a FB posting. I have been struggling to use social media to let people know my first song is about to be released. It was scheduled for April 1rst, April Fools Day, because I was not thinking about the significance of that day when I posted my song to the system. Maybe it’s Karma🙃.

What I am learning about this singer/songwriter business is how much money it costs and how very little the returns are. I know being young and beautiful is what sells music today. Nevertheless, it is time for these girls to move over because I have something to say about many years of living in this world.

I have listened to the new stars songs and wonder if they know what it feels like to be a domestic violence survivor, or how losing a child can lead to the destruction of a marriage and family, leaving your heart broken with the pieces scattered all around you. I want to know if they have battled cancer or other life threatening illnesses or experiences, because older adults have lived through life’s many battles and have survived. Many want their voices heard and I am one of them.

I have no illusions about my voice range, looks or ability to sing a song that touches people. I have experienced first hand how people respond to my singing. I know being the best singer or writer out there is not what’s important. Touching the feelings of others, through music, conveys to your listeners they are important and not alone. We are part of one family with the label of human beings. So the key is loving the people touched by my music.

That is my goal and was the reason I continued to sing. Fans are the reason we work so hard to bring our music to a higher level of perfection, knowing it will never be perfect. Connecting with all of you is the reason most musicians work so hard to give you quality listening pleasure.

I truly hope all of the people listening to my music and the music of older adults will have a new perspective regarding life. I hope you enjoy hearing the wisdom in our messages and in our songs.