Internship Week 25: Trying to Record a Tutorial & Putting on the Finishing Touches

I have the modules uploaded and completed in the system. My last feat is making a tutorial on Camtasia. I worked five hours yesterday trying to get the sound set correctly so I could make a clean clear recording, But, as it turns out that was not to be. I have the recording from he#%!  Since I have no ability to ask for technical help when I am working from home and because I am an intern, I am going to have to figure this out myself. This usually means hours of watching videos and experimenting until it works.

Okay, I have watched hours of video on setting the sound. I have done everything these videos are telling me! Still the background noise on the recording for Camtasia sounds terrible. I am beginning to wonder why I embrace technology when it takes so much to figure out how to work it. After hours of watching these videos you would think I would have found the answer to the problem. I am staring rather fiercely at my Logitech headset right about now. Since it is a year old it might be my problem. Nothing else seems to be working at this point in time.

After several more hours of setting the sound, I managed a pretty good sounding video. While the video is not perfect, I might be able to re-record it a bit later. My problem was having the sound set too high. This caused a lot of background noise. So all is well that ends well.

My final clean up has been done. Unless Charlene wants me to change something at the last-minute, the course is ready to go. Most of the work was put into creating the modules. Uploading it into the LMS system was pretty easy. I keep wondering why I ever thought this was going to be a difficult task. With patience and persistence and good suggestions from the people helping me, it seems to have turned out quite well. I am just waiting for Charlene’s final approval and I know she will be working on it soon.

I have a meeting with my internship coordinator on the 21st of March and have already handed in my final paper. I keep wondering why this project was looming so large when I first began to work on it. It was totally “do-able.” So, now I can just kick back and rest.