Eyes in the Sky: Big brother?

There seems to be a lot of unanswered questions as to whether drones are going to be used for the public good or against the public.  What it really comes down to is whether or not Congress has the proper legislation in place to protect the public’s constitution rights.  Maybe the question is to trust in authority with one eye open and question what it is doing when one sees a read flag.

I am confident Jessie Ventura and other conspiracy theorists have already begun to jump on the “band wagon” with all kinds of words of wisdom for the general public that will scare the %$@^#* out of them. I for one like to stand on the concept of innocent until guilt. Nevertheless, these people scare me!  One of the comments Jessie made to Piers Morgan in an interview was, he was glad Colorado and Washington voted to legalize marijuana, thus ending the war on drugs. Okay, there are a lot more drugs on that schedule.  How many are going to be legalized without the government agencies stepping in?  Where is the logic here?

On March 6, 2013 in an article, Barrack Obama has the authority to use drone strikes to kill Americans on US soil, by Jon Swaine, he states the Attorney General has stated Obama has the power to authorize the killing of Americans by drones on US soil. As the old commercial (young people may not remember) stated, I ask, “where’s the beef?” If my country is attacked by American terrorist groups or militia, I think this capability may be highly useful.  I think there should be legislation in place to stop the misuse of this type of weapon against the American people, on the other hand.  If Congress wants to listen to its constituency, this is the place to address this whole issue of drone usage. I may not always believe in the government; but I most assuredly believe in the American people, and not the big political interests who hope to benefit from all of this.

Thinking back to the words of Hitler and Jim Jones, those who have not learned from the past are doomed to repeat it (paraphrase). As Americans we do have rights under our constitution; but only the rights we are willing to fight for and defend. It takes all of us to get the powerful to do the right thing at times. We were given that right by our founding fathers. If we are willing to stand idly by and watch our rights taken from us, then shame on us.