New Music and Interviewing

I have been busy growing my sites and group. I am trying to manage about 200 comments and posts a day. It can get a bit overwhelming. I now have circa 330 people in my Matured Musicians Group, close to 300 on my Country Hot Music by Joy Ann LaJeret page and circa 1700 Facebook friends. I am, also, continuing my guitar lessons with Dave Nichols and marketing lessons from Kira Michele and song writing lessons from Roger Fisher, past lead for the band Heart. I go to Physical Therapy once a week in order to be able to get on the stage and play in the future. None of this could have been done without your support.

I recently had a video made and was unaware I did not communicate effectively until it was sent to me. I was horrified that the very things I did not want were on the video. It was a highly expensive mistake! I am shooting another video with a different studio tomorrow, due to needing it quickly. I am so afraid it will not be a good quality shoot. But that lesson is the way it goes. ( UPDATE: It turned out nicely the second time at Mirror Studio. It will post on September 20, 2021.)

Yes, I have Yelp, but I didn’t see how it was the videographers fault if I did not get the picture of what we were hoping to accomplish. I had pictures taken, a few months back, that were not to my liking either. I am beginning to think I need to learn how to communicate in a way these men understand. Being older, lighting and angles are critical for good videos and pictures. Okay lessons learned at a cost of $700.00 dollars. this mistake means fewer dinners out, less money in savings and no new purchases for a while and more overtime for my dedicated husband. A painful lesson indeed.

I have been able to see a few bands perform in that past month, before masking up again. Not my favorite thing to do, masking that is. Because I am a high risk, I catch illnesses easily and hope I do not have another bout of Covid 19. I have conducted interviews a few times and it keeps everyone safe, streaming is safe!. I will probably wait a bit before doing live performances as well. So videos it is, until then.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my interviews and am thankful we have so many talented people in this area. I am really pleased with how many musicians have continued to keep their skills up-to-date during Covid 19. Interviewing them has been the highlight of my week, Please feel free to join me at Matured Musicians Group on Facebook. I am certain you will enjoy watching the stream of the artist/musician interviews.

Stay safe. See you down the road. Please support all genres and musician! We need all of you! Thank you all for the support you have given artists, especially in this greater Seattle area. Please remember you are the reason we work so hard to bring you music. Also, many talented artists are never heard because the music industry has been the gatekeepers until now. Independent artists are the wave of the future!