Where to Begin

Newest Release 10/22/2021

It is difficult to know where to start this blog so much has happened. Having a hard time getting everything done for releases, interviews and keeping up with updating everyone. On top of that classes and trying to practice my guitar are becoming quite the juggling act. Now I wish I could be cloned.

I am finding that I am a bit paranoid. My big mistake was to take someone at their word instead of demanding a contract. With a contract I could go to small claims court if need be. I came from a background in business where professional people keep their word. I am finding out that is not the case for some people. I am certain there were misunderstandings, but I have a hard time arguing my point of view without a contract. I have now lost $650.00 for not making certain I got one, in a couple endeavors.

I have been waiting to make a video recording for several weeks now and the weather turned rainy and blustery. Therefore it has been canceled. Trying to reach the cinematographer is harder than getting a hold of Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. Because I do not know this business as well as I should, I am afraid I may have been scammed. I do have a contract if I need it. But if I have been scammed, I lost a $250.00 down payment for now.

I seem to be making people irritated with me. I must have stars moving against me, figuratively! Every single person I have tried to get a hold of, either do not answer or respond in one way or another. I am going to chalk it down to bad timing. This music stuff almost has beaten me. Maybe this is my Halloween trick…lol!

I have a few new photos coming out. They were taken by a newer less experienced photographer on a dark and rainy day! She has worked her heart out trying to get them to my liking. I hope she is learning how to use the different tools on the computer that changes the photo coloring etc. I am very glad I did not hire the more experienced, professional photographer I first asked to do them! I am reserving her for better light and better conditions, sometime in the future.

To the people that have liked my page Country Hot and Matured Musicians I salute you. Regardless of all the problems right now, you are the reason I keep going. I know that if only one person likes this music, then I have succeeded.

I hope all of you have forgiven me any trespasses. Unless you tell me, I do not know how to improve. Our relationship is too precious to let silliness and mis-communication stand in the way of it. I have been known to confront people if things are not as they should be. Hopefully, I am not too overwhelming.

Please support your local musicians. Without a record company, these expenses are paid by the artist. Events or gigs is where they make their money along with store sales. Take care until we meet again on the internet.

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